Wednesday, November 4, 2009

LIVE REVIEW: Slipknot at the Palladium

Slipknot aren’t sneaking up on anybody at this point in their career. They’ve spent the past decade turning the metal world end-over-end, their reputation preceding them as a highlight reel of masked vomit, broken-bones, head-banging, hair-whipping and apocalyptic mayhem plays in the background.

They became a product of their own hype before their hype even had a chance to prove itself, to the point where their biggest story is often their mere survival

At the recently re-opened Palladium in Hollywood, CA, Thursday night, Slipknot not only lived up to the challenge of their hype, but they left it broken, beaten and scarred into submission. No, Slipknot aren’t going to sneak up on anybody… But the sheer power and razor-sharp onslaught of their performance just might.

To finish reading this review, please click here.

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1 comment:

Michael said...

Slipknot to me just doesn't have the music to back up their career, and the masks are something people are eventually going to get numb to. Original in a way - they sure know how to somehow bring anger and chaos to the mainstream - but how long can they keep it up?